I am a total orchid newbie and was hand-me-downed an orchid (no idea what type, Phalaenopsis maybe?) and it has a dry and papery stem where leaves from years past have died and been cut off. However, its roots come from various places along the stem so I can't really cut it down.
I repotted the orchid in a mix of bark, charcoal, and perlite (when I received it, it was tightly packed in sphagnum moss and roots were rotting) but the woody stem protrudes above the medium. It's not very attractive and every other video or photo of orchids I've found online doesn't have this.
I've been
misting the top of the medium and the aerial roots in the mornings to keep it moist and promote root growth (there's one nub emerging!) since there is no moss in the potting medium. I put extra holes into the plastic pot I repotted it into, which sits inside a decorative ceramic pot that has a tiny bit of water in the bottom dish to create a humid environment. The whole set up is on a north-east facing window and I've watered it by flooding it and letting it drain.
Can anyone help answer these questions:
1. Do I need to do anything about the stem?
2. Am I caring for the orchid correctly?
3. What kind of orchid is this?
4. I bought miracle grow orchid fertilizer mist, should I use this once a week and when should I start?

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