Hi, I figured I would register as I find myself reading threads on here all too often trying to desperately keep these orchids from dying on me.
Through no (okay, nearly no) fault of my own, I have accumulated a small variety of orchids, mainly as gifts from people trying to find me 'something interesting' as they know I quite like plants in general and I grow a lot of non-orchidy exotic things (Longan, Coffee, Carniverous plants, a fair few cacti and succulents etc). Unfortunately I'm something of a novice, I seem to be able to manage some of those that I've got, but I'm quite concerned about whether these are surviving in spite of me as opposed to because of me!
I've attached a bunch of images of my collection

And a few questions on how badly I'm ruining these plants existences?
The Phal, I've got a proper pot for it on the way, it seems okay to me, but I was wondering if anyone knows what specific type of Phal it is?
The vanilla was a cutting I took from my mothers plant and it's tripled in size very quickly, so I think it's doing okay, I was just wondering whether this was regular flat leaf vanilla or any special kind? Either way, I certainly like it
the three together are Pecteilis Radiata, 'white erget orchid' which I spent ages tracking down, they've grown quickly I think, and they seem to be surviving okay!
The Bulbophyllum I got recently, it was a gift to celebrate a pay rise, I've read all sorts of differing views on what to do, It's roots were pretty damn dry when it arrived though, some were sliding off the central fibre. I've put it in spaghum with what were the roots around a larger piece of the mix I took from the Phal pot (was the closest thing to cork I could think of at the time). Is it inevitably dead or is it possible to save this little thing?
As for the Prosthechea, It had a strange period where the bulbs became 'shriveled' and then after a few days, plumped back up, it shot out a load of new growth and then promptly stopped growing at all, I'm somewhat concerned that it might be on the way out, but I'm hoping its okay?
The Restrepia flowered not too long ago, I'll have to find some pictures! It's in purely moss and it's repeatedly stuck out growth, but then that growth promptly shrivels and I'm wondering what's causing it, It doesn't seem to be dying at all, just every time it grows, the growth doesnt stick.
The Ophrys was one I ordered online, it looked fairly simple to care for, but the original plant unfortunately got a rot in the bulb and promptly died, when I was emptying out the pot however, I noticed the little bulb in the last picture, what should I do to make sure that this one can grow without my inexperience killing it.
Hope this isnt a too long, dull or idiotic post and myself and my suffering orchids appreciate any advice!