I have three phals but this is my first cymbidium. I recently received a cymbidium as a gift. After it lost all of its blooms I decided to check out its root situation knowing that often newly purchased plants aren't always in the best medium. I also know they event always in the best health.
So I got the big guy out of his pot and it is just a solid mass of roots. I cannot even remove ANY of the old medium it almost seems like there isn't even any in there it's all roots.
So I'm pretty sure it is time for a bigger pot. My questions:
1.)How do I or should I loosen the roots/remove old medium
2.)Can I use the same medium I use for my phals? I put a pic of the ingredients in my orchid medium I used for the Phals.
3.)Also can you see my photos? Sorry first time poster.

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