Originally Posted by magicsomething
Thank you for reply.
I got some additional questions...
If I made a natural fertilizer, a mixture of banana and cinnamon, then removed the banana peel and cinnamon, after let them rest on the water.
Would this water that has colored and get a light cinnamon smell be bad for orchid roots?

and how would you know what the balance is of the nutrients?
Trust me on this. What orchids get in the wild, is what they need in captivity.
While compost tea for normal potted plants is fine, orchids are very, very different.
What does an epiphyte get? It gets pure rainwater, with a soupçon of salts (fertilisers=salts).
I would suggest you go to First Rays site (google it) and do some reading there. I find like a lot of others that I get very good results with an ultra low dose of Klite at every watering, dissolved in RO water.