What orchids are good for my environment?
I've been trying to find a list of orchids that would do well under my growing conditions.
I already have a setup that I will be using for my orchids.
Right now, here are the growing conditions.
Foot Candles ~6,000
Relative Humidity 40-65
Temperature 60 F - 82F (MOST of the year this will be more like 75-85.)
Photoperiod (between 12/12 and 20/4)
I can pick my grow medium based on what sort of orchid I decide on.
Where could I find good orchids for these conditions, or does anyone know of some off the top of their head?
I would prefer to start with an orchid that is not extremely sensitive to light cycle until I have an environment just for orchids.
Last edited by demosthones; 02-14-2008 at 09:26 PM..