Question about Catasetum dormancy
Hello everyone,
Today I was lucky enough to get my hands on a Fredclarkeara After Dark 'SVO Black Pearl'. It's a large, robust plant, as Catasetinae tend to be. This one in particular has a large, not-quite-mature new growth. This is great, but it's February in Upstate NY. I know these plants need a dormant period, because I have 2 already that have been dormant since about Thanksgiving. My other 2 Catasetinae flourish in our hot, humid summers, but I don't know what to do with my new FDK. After Dark. Do I keep it growing right up until next October without dormancy? Or do I try to force it into a brief dormancy around April, then wake it up in June? I'd like to get it on the same growth cycle as my other 2 Catasetum