Can I cut off old dendrobium backbulbs?
Early last spring I won the last plant on our club's raffle table. It was a Den. spectabile. It was bare root and had 4 leafless canes that were 2 feet tall. Got home and soaked it then potted up in fine potting mix. Lo and behold, it grew 2 new growths that are now 1 foot tall each and it has a new growth starting. Last fall I removed the 2 oldest canes. I don't appreciate the weird flowers and want to put it on the raffle table this spring. My question is: Can I remove the remaining 2 tall leafless canes or are they contributing to the health of the new growths?
Last edited by kwarren; 02-01-2016 at 06:56 PM..
Reason: Want consistant tense of first sentence