Hello all! I have a dendrobium nobile type orchid that seems a bit confused.... This is my first one, and I've had it about 2 years. Growing well, but unsuccessful in producing blooms. What I understand so far is that usually nobile type orchids receive a winter rest after the new growths have matured and growth has stopped (no water, fertilizer, and cooler temps), and that this rest will result in the formation of buds and blooms. Start gradually watering and fertilizing again once buds appear, and all should be well. Well... My little guy seems to have missed the message

the new cane stopped growing in spring, it did nothing all summer, and just in time for a proper winter rest come this fall.... It started growing a new cane! I'm wondering if there is a way to provide a temperature cool down artificially for this guy, as my climate doesn't seem to be matching up with his growth cycle (another new growth will be finishing up maturing soon, just in time for our weather to start warming up) or what someone might recommend in this situation? Any advice would be much appreciated!
On that note, I'm still fairly new to the Orchid Board and fairly new to orchids themselves, so wanted to just say Hi everyone!

I've got phals down pat at this point, and am starting to branch out into different alliances, loving oncidiums and cattleyas right now, but pretty much obsessed with ALL orchids and can't get my hands on enough of them! I'm 24, living in Manitoba Canada, all my orchids are grown indoors on a windowsill or under lights, contemplating switching a few into semi-hydro. Looking to make a few orchid friends and learn, learn, learn as much as I can about this amazing hobby!