Seasol has an interesting background.
In appox 1985 we had a gentleman come and speak to us in a horticulture work place. The whole workplace gathered together to hear what he had to say.
Seasol is made from the giant kelp that grows in the ocean west of Tasmania.
The guy that invented it was the person that spoke to us and he tried to get it registered as a health food mainly for cancer victims as he himself was in an advanced stage of some form of cancer at the time and looked really sick and consumed a dose of his Seasol several times a day.
Of course he was unable to get it registered in Australia as a health food let alone and medicine.
So he got us to trial Seasol as a plant food in our workplace.
We found it to be a full on fertilizer plus for annuals and roses. It stopped impossible diseases like scleractinia and other root diseases. Promoted healthier plants that bloomed better and lasted longer.
Seasol kept this guy alive for some years and I had contact with him for sometime before............His adult children carried on the Seasol business.