Cymbidium issue
Hi guys,
I've had this Cymbidium plant for almost two years now. Photo is attached. I got it back on February 2014 and it bloomed with a beautiful column of pinkish flowers right off the store shelf. The flowers wilted about a month or two after, and the plant has not blossomed since. How can I make this reluctant creature blossom again? I've been giving it the red fertilizer during summer, and the blue one during winter, once every other week. Watering it once a week. It is located right at the south facing window where it gets ample amounts of sunshine during both winter (NJ) and summer. It is green all year round, shedding yellow leaves here and there.
Second question: it currently has several yellowish pseudo bulbs. There are no leaves coming out of them, and they are firmly attached to the plant. Should I leave them as is? Will new leaves ever emerge out of them?