]No worries at all! It takes some getting used to.
Vandas need 6 - 8 hours of very bright light (full sun to dappled shade) every day to induce blooming. If your plant is indoors most of the year, you will definitely need to supplement with lights, but I don't have much experience with those. Someone else may be able to give you good advice.
*i suddenly realize that Vandas won't take my abuse! I don't ever give them that much light. In Winter I put them towards the top of my light box but then the plants either want to burn or dry out. I'll have to get them just right on the shelf. It was recently 50F out snd I brought my Vandas in. One Vanda will fit in my orchidarium but not two.
I have not yet ventured into the realm of guano or worm castings, but I have great success alternating premixed grow and bloom fertilizers (high nitrogen and high phosphorus). I do use the phosphorus more frequently when the plant is in spike or bloom. I dilute them quarter strength from what it says on the package.
*I see. I got the idea of worm castings and bat guano for my Cape Jasmine tree. It is about 7 feet tall and uses up a large part of our 4 season porch. It is so root bound that I feel the need to give it hydroponic quality fertilizer but actually the orchid fertilizer would be better. My Cape Jasmine tree will be root bound indefinitely because it is so huge and in such a big pot that we just can't work with it anymore. One time I put worm castings on the top of its soil and it really helped but there is no more room for worm castings.
Vandas grow like crazy in good conditions and need dilute fertilizer very frequently. I fertilize every third watering and flush the plants every day with heavy waterings. Mine are bare root, though, so yours will probably need less frequent waterings and fertilizing.
*goodness, you are a true orchid fan! Mine are in bark and I get to them once per week.
*Also, we have a problem with water. All of our house water is softened. In our entire plumbing system there is only one spigot to the well. We live rurally and have our own well. As bad as hard water is, I think watering plants with softened water would be worse. If necessary we could always buy spring water.
Feel free to post more questions and pictures! There are many kind folks here with far more experience than me, and I'm sure you'll get the advice and encouragement you need.
*thank you! I think if I want to bloom a Vanda, Id better get on the ball! One Vanda I rebloomed right in January and had a bloom the size of my hand. It was -20F outside!
*i have a big catteleya I've rebloomed around 4 times now and the buds are ready to pop, hopefully I'll be able to figure out how to put the photo up!
*Thank you for your kindness in responding to such a beginning question!