Originally Posted by Cym Ladye
Crown rot occurs under multiple conditions: Upright plants + water standing in the crown + temps below 65F over a few days at a time + high humidity + lack of air movement = crown rot. If water can drain from the crown, no problem. 
Well, as I say. I cannot see how the crown cannnot be wetted in nature, no matter WHAT the angle. Mine in the winter routinely went below 14 (but not much below) and still didn't get rot. The only one that did get crown rot probably hit 12C 54 F once too often. Amusingly those phals were never wetted when they were watered.
You say "If water can drain from the crown, no problem. If water can drain from the crown, no problem. " but I say, it looks to me that wet crowns are just coincidence, and it is the other problems that initiate crown rot.