Removing Stakes to Hang Dendrobium Nobile, and Repot Advice
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Removing Stakes to Hang Dendrobium Nobile, and Repot Advice
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Old 07-16-2015, 10:31 PM
Lady Meera Lady Meera is offline

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Removing Stakes to Hang Dendrobium Nobile, and Repot Advice
Default Removing Stakes to Hang Dendrobium Nobile, and Repot Advice

Hello everyone,

I typed a whole post but the browser quit and I think it got lost, but I apologize if it turns up somewhere...

I bought a beautiful Den Nobile at a grocery store florist. I usually don't buy from grocery stores, but I never saw a Den Nobile for sale and it was so beautiful with lots of buds (and reasonably priced). It is pretty big, the longest cane is 2 feet tall. I want to hang it and remove the stakes so the canes drape down. I am concerned though that if i just remove the stakes the canes may break as they fall. Will this happen or should I just let gravity take its course?

I got a hanging vanda basket and was just going to place the pot in that until it is time to repot next spring. But I am wondering if I should repot it now because I'm sure it's in a moss ball. I also have a Den Phal that I just bought that has 2 new spikes growing, one of which is getting ready to flower, but I know that one is in a moss ball too because I got it at the local exotic nursery and I know that's how they pot their orchids. I just repotted a Phal from there that I got over the winter and nearly all of the roots were rotted. Both these Dens looks so happy though (minus the sunburn they got on my west facing window sill), I don't know if I should disturb them.

To recap, I have 2 questions:

1) can I remove the stakes on my 2 foot tall Den Nobile and let the canes hang or will they break?

2) Should I repot, even though it is not the ideal time, if I know the roots are wrapped in moss?

Sorry for the long post, its my first one
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Old 07-16-2015, 11:54 PM
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Removing Stakes to Hang Dendrobium Nobile, and Repot Advice Male

#1 The canes were probably staked for shipping. I don't think you will damage anything by removing the stakes, but the plant may become somewhat floppy, and possibly having difficulties staying upright. New canes will likely hang over the edge of the pot if you don't stake them. If you want to transport the plant (say, to an Orchid Society show table), it is easier if it is staked.

#2 I grow 100% of my hanging Vandaceous plants in a moss (spaghnum)/bark mix, so I am not the right one to advise you on that point. Moss does not kill roots, but overwatering does.

Since most Vandaceous plants do not like to go dry (they should be watered while still moist), the spaghnum/bark mix is highly recommended, unless you want to water daily or every other day.
Kim (Fair Orchids)

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Old 07-17-2015, 04:28 AM
bil bil is offline
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Removing Stakes to Hang Dendrobium Nobile, and Repot Advice

Originally Posted by Lady Meera View Post
Hello everyone,

I typed a whole post but the browser quit and I think it got lost, but I apologize if it turns up somewhere...

I bought a beautiful Den Nobile at a grocery store florist. I usually don't buy from grocery stores, but I never saw a Den Nobile for sale and it was so beautiful with lots of buds (and reasonably priced). It is pretty big, the longest cane is 2 feet tall. I want to hang it and remove the stakes so the canes drape down. I am concerned though that if i just remove the stakes the canes may break as they fall. Will this happen or should I just let gravity take its course?

I got a hanging vanda basket and was just going to place the pot in that until it is time to repot next spring. But I am wondering if I should repot it now because I'm sure it's in a moss ball. I also have a Den Phal that I just bought that has 2 new spikes growing, one of which is getting ready to flower, but I know that one is in a moss ball too because I got it at the local exotic nursery and I know that's how they pot their orchids. I just repotted a Phal from there that I got over the winter and nearly all of the roots were rotted. Both these Dens looks so happy though (minus the sunburn they got on my west facing window sill), I don't know if I should disturb them.

To recap, I have 2 questions:

1) can I remove the stakes on my 2 foot tall Den Nobile and let the canes hang or will they break?

2) Should I repot, even though it is not the ideal time, if I know the roots are wrapped in moss?

Sorry for the long post, its my first one
I pot mine in fine bark, and as they are high in the GH where it gets VERY hot, they have a ball of sphag either side on the pot.
I like mine hanging, but the problem is that a heavy cane leaning on the edge of the pot may kink and risk breaking, so I tilt my pots at 30 from the horizontal. I also like a wide, shallow pot.
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Old 07-17-2015, 07:06 AM
MrHungx MrHungx is offline
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Removing Stakes to Hang Dendrobium Nobile, and Repot Advice Male

I prefer my nobiles staked to save space.

BTW, the ID of your nobile is Den. Love Memory 'Fizz'.
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Old 07-17-2015, 10:24 AM
Lady Meera Lady Meera is offline

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Removing Stakes to Hang Dendrobium Nobile, and Repot Advice

Thank you every one for your responses! I will leave them be in the moss and remove the stake to let the canes hang. Since the canes are so long, I will hang the basket at an angle. These are my first orchids that aren't Phals, so I will do more research on the watering culture for dens. I probably did over water the Phal that got root rot. For Phals I use root color as my indicator to water, and that only works for the roots I can see.

And thank you MrHungryX for the ID!
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den, nobile, stakes, repot, remove, canes, moss, hang, roots, phal, ball, time, pot, break, tall, grocery, bought, beautiful, post, foot, local, nursery, flower, exotic, ready

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