I was going to put these in bright indirect light but was told that they like getting more sun than just that, can anyone clarify this for me? The tree they'll be in doesn't let sunlight through but is in a very brightly lit area
If it helps, I have my tampensis and a profusa hybrid in dappled sun/bright indirect, and they seem happy and bloom well. I've seen tampensis growing in the wild in places where they didn't get direct sun.
If it helps, I have my tampensis and a profusa hybrid in dappled sun/bright indirect, and they seem happy and bloom well. I've seen tampensis growing in the wild in places where they didn't get direct sun.
Thanks, that helps, but would they be happier in more sun?
IOSPE indicates lower light than I would have expected (tho they're not infallible) - not full on shade, but maybe in the Phal light range, so in the tree might be ok, tho perhaps not right at the trunk.
IOSPE indicates lower light than I would have expected (tho they're not infallible) - not full on shade, but maybe in the Phal light range, so in the tree might be ok, tho perhaps not right at the trunk.
I would tend to go much brighter than Phal light, I'd go Catt levels or even a bit brighter. Most tampensis I've seen in the wild seem to grow and most importantly for your question bloom best in bright places (like pine trees in scrub) as opposed to dim places like oaks in a hammock. I have seen them in both, but my experience seeing and growing them would tend to bright light.
My only experience with profusa is my hybrid of it with fowlieri. I grow it bright along with all my other encyclias, and have been happy with its performance.