I thoroughly enjoyed reading your post...you have a knack for storytelling! And you document very well too! Do you have a job in law enforcement, any kind of detective work or science field?
Back to the plants...
I think the plant looks ok...sometimes these guys have weird things happen to them but they get over it if they are properly being taken care of... which by the way sounds like you are so far.
The most wrinkly bottom leaves are likely to turn yellow and fall off so don't panic about that if it happens.
I find that phalaenopsis do best when you don't move them and you just water once a week (roots totally underwater for 30 min). Mine stay on a windowsill that gets either morning sun or afternoon sun but not both. Every month they get some orchid fertilizer as per instructions and in the summer or when it's super hot I spray them in the morning with a mist bottle thingie. They have time to evaporate during the day so there is no issue with over watering even if I mist them every day. On ridiculously hot days (32 Celsius +) I lower the blinds so the leaves don't get burned.
Other than that don't keep the roots in the water days at a time and let nature do its job!

all the best
PS_change the substrate to bark ...dump the moss