Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie
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Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie
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Old 05-12-2015, 11:48 PM
akineleye9 akineleye9 is offline
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Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie
Default Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie


I've had a large phal for a bit over two years that I got as a gift and didn't really know what to do with. It spent its first 2 years in a non-draining container with gravel at the bottom and moss, it bloomed HUGE white flowers for ages and after its bloom, grew two new huge green leaves. After that first bloom I cut the spikes back to the next node as I was instructed, and nothing happened for a long time. The spikes didn't brown up or die, the leaves looked happy, etc.

Eventually I realized I should re-pot the poor thing and when I did, probably at least half its roots were extremely rotten. I put it in an orchid pot with orchid mix, and almost immediately the leaves started looking like they were dying, they became really droopy and cracked. But simultaneously it started growing new aerial roots like crazy (pictures below) and in the past 2 to 3 weeks it has sprouted spikes that are probably already way over six inches. The leaves still look terrible, one has died completely and two of them are yellowing and becoming wrinkled.

Oh and I didn't really ever water it much back when it was in its moss but now I water it ~ 1 a week because it dries out so much quicker. I've never given any of them orchid food as of yet.

Any ideas what is happening to this guy? I don't really want to mess with him too much since he's already clearly going through some things

Much appreciated
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Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie-20150512_202237-jpg   Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie-20150512_202301-jpg   Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie-20150512_202306-jpg   Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie-20150512_202248-jpg   Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie-20150512_202253-jpg  

Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie-20150512_202322-jpg  

Last edited by akineleye9; 05-12-2015 at 11:51 PM..
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Old 05-13-2015, 05:40 AM
Orchid Whisperer Orchid Whisperer is offline
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Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie Male

If it has good aerial roots and the most recent leaves are OK, the plant is OK.

Your pot is a bit large for that plant, but I wouldn't change it right now. Maybe you should increase water to 2 times a week.

Good luck!
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Old 05-13-2015, 10:03 AM
akineleye9 akineleye9 is offline
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Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie

Thank you!

I will increase watering and use the skewer method I think. And yeah, finding a pot for it was super awkward. The container it lived in previously was skinny but very very deep so the three or four surviving roots when I took it out were absolutely massively long. I couldn't find anything tall enough so I went large

Thank you so much for your response! I just got another smaller phal that I repotted immediately into some better mix because the roots were dying in the packed moss, but I kept the container small. Fingers crossed it won't lose its beautiful bloom!
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Old 05-13-2015, 11:35 AM
DweamGoiL DweamGoiL is offline
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Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie Female

Correct me if I am wrong, but from your post, it sounds like you have fairly recently repotted it into bark? If that is the case, this is completely normal. A lot of plants take a while to adjust to the new media and the old roots (that were happier in moss) will die back and leave the new roots which are specialized to the new media. If it's putting out air roots and spiking, it's fine for now. And yes, the wooden skewers are invaluable until you get the right balance in watering. Also, don't be afraid to let the Phal dry out a bit. It will do better waiting to be watered for a few days rather than drowning in too much water and suffocating and/or rotting the roots.

In my area, when you think you have the watering just right, the season changes and it's back to the drawing board. The wooden skewers definitely make life easier for me and the orchids

Last edited by DweamGoiL; 05-13-2015 at 11:37 AM..
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Old 05-13-2015, 08:20 PM
akineleye9 akineleye9 is offline
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Phal is dying/thriving at the same time? orchid newbie

Yep you're entirely correct. It has been in the new media a couple months now but those spikes are growing like mad.
Northern Canada here, so I think it probably gets pretty confused and the environment here can change drastically from one day to the next, but generally it dries up within two maybe three days. I'll up my watering a bit. The one I just repotted I will probably water daily for a little while since it has been perpetually wet for who knows how long in its moss. Hopefully that will ease the shock for it.

Thanks for the tips! If I can make it work with these two I hope to get many more orchids. I just love them
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Old 05-13-2015, 08:55 PM
tarev tarev is offline
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I think your plant is doing okay, it is just adjusting. Normal for older leaves to slowly yellow and die off. It maybe also helping provide energy to your new spikes. Always good to see new roots and spikes. Just watch the watering. I normally adjust my watering as season's change. With new roots, eventually it will also try to make new leaves at the center.

I have always found Phals like more air at the root zone, since their roots are fat and succulent. As long as the water drains well, and allows the roots to dry off before next watering, then your Phals should grow on.

In time the plant will naturally lean to the side, it is just normal too, it likes to do that.
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leaves, orchid, spikes, huge, bloom, phal, started, time, roots, inches, sprouted, weeks, droopy, cracked, dying, simultaneously, pictures, crazy, aerial, growing, past, mess, biggrin, appreciated, guy

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