Thank you !
I just want to give a big shout out to all the OB members for all the advice , and as hard as some members comments are the are ALL truly positive in helping out everyone.
After killing many orchids in 6 years I have finally made one spike for me. One advice that I will always do is repot as soon as you bring it home. I didn't repot 3 cattleyas and placed them next to my den. A few days later, my den had yellowing leaves , then at closer inspection, I noticed spidermites all over it ( den had a repot a week prior ) .
bamboo skewer method
Absolutely works ! I place them in my pots. I no longer over or under water.
Lots of Air holes , I drill extra holes in all my pots.
Styrofoam at the bottom a must
Last but most importantly light.
One day I'll spend the money on the expensive orchids when I move to Fl.