I'm somewhat new to orchids with only having them for about 2 years now. My phal orchid started growing this spike (so I think it is) about 2 months ago and it seems to not be growing or anything. Can anyone help identify exactly what it is and maybe give me some tips of how to get it to grow. I have had this orchid for a year and it has not bloomed again since the blooms fell off. I never cut the original spikes because they looked healthy and green. Any tips are greatly appreciated! Thanks
Congrats, that's either gonig to be a side spike, or a keiki. Side spikes generally have less flowers than the original blooming, but are nice to have! If it's a keiki (baby plant), it will take many months to grow leaves and then some roots, and once those are large enough the keiki can be removed from the stem and potted up separately
__________________ Camille
Completely orchid obsessed and loving every minute of it....