Why do only some orchids have a scent
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Old 04-02-2015, 08:39 PM
lepetitmartien lepetitmartien is offline
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Why do only some orchids have a scent Male

Scent is there to attract insect pollinators (bees, flies, bugs, butterflies, moths) and us mammals.

It's not necessarily linked to a reciprocal gift.

The time and conditions and even the type of scent discriminates the type of pollinator.
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Old 04-02-2015, 09:03 PM
Stray59 Stray59 is offline
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Why do only some orchids have a scent Male

Well, as I mentioned it was a theory.....But from what I have read, there are a lot that do fall into the "rewarded without scent/unrewarded but fragrant" grouping, enough so that many believe that this is a 'rule of thumb'.
Again, the mystery and myths of orchids - part of the mystique!
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Old 04-03-2015, 01:37 AM
lotis146 lotis146 is offline
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Why do only some orchids have a scent Female

Originally Posted by Leafmite View Post
Sorry to hear this, Paul. You'd probably love my mounted Brassavola nodosa...no fragrance at all. I bought a second one and am hoping for a different result.

I collect mostly fragrant orchids and I also like other fragrant flowers (lilac, hyacinth, jasmine, gardenia, citrus, etc.) and plants with fragrant leaves (allspice, cinnamon, hazelnut, herbs). Where orchids are concerned, when I get a clone that isn't fragrant, I often find a home for that one and try again. Or, I just buy multiple seedlings and keep the one(s) that are fragrant. I do have a few orchids that are not fragrant but most of mine are.

Mr. Lincoln is one of my favorite roses. I am hoping that my Mr. Lincoln and Pink Peace survived the winter.

Your house/property must be awesomely fragrant!! Oh my you should open it up and charge admission at the best times of the year's fragrance!

There have been many times I've read on OB that people can't stand a lot of the stronger fragrances of flowers and it just seems crazy to me! I mean, I can understand smells that irritate, but flowers, wow bummer. Then again, I don't have a strong sense of smell so...

The only orchid I bought B/C it's fragrant is Onc. Heaven Scent 'Redolence' (a Sharry Baby hybrid) and I'm so happy I did. All my other fragrant orchids are luck of the draw (eye's attraction rather) but not all of them are sweet or pleasant (love my Zygolum, love love it).

I did not know they've been breeding the scent out of roses!! That just seems like a sin. Roses are beautiful in part because they smell great and I always look forward to smelling them.

What a sham those orchids that give the pollinator nothing, I mean come on guys!
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Old 04-03-2015, 02:01 AM
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Why do only some orchids have a scent

Thank you. I am glad that I can enjoy the fragrance of flowers/herbs/spices. I wish everyone could be permitted to do so.
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