I got the Psychopsis Mendenhall 'Hildos' in an Orchid sale locally. Love to name and shame but I'll not going to do it. I suspected there was a problem with the plant and indeed when I got it home and had a look at the roots . Well , they were bone dry and dead, the tip of the flower spike was dry too. I did ask at the nursery if the plant , looking as it did was healthy and normal, answer "Yes".
I cut all the roots off and cut the spike to save energy. This was 6 or 7 weeks ago. I've had it resting on bark and a little moss. Misted a bit , dipped in water a bit. Anyway today I noticed three new roots starting and a new spike of bulb starting. So even tho I only started with Orchids a couple of months ago I seem to be doing Ok. Thanks to the people here , web searches and a few conversations .

Best Wishes