I used to be the kind of person who would soak each plant for 30min to an hour in a bucket, about once a week on average. But it got to be too time consuming to fit in my busy schedule (about 3 hours to water everyone), and I was watering the orchids less and less. Needles to say they suffered, and between that and my mealie bug problems, I lost quite a few.
So now I water with a very frowned upon method but
it works for me. Each plant sits in it's own saucer and to water I simply pour water through the top of the pot until there's a good half cm of water in the saucer. I adjust the amount depending on the season, so that it's taken up/evaporated in no more than 2-3 days. So yes my plants are sitting in water for an extended period of time, but they're quite happy this way, and so am I because watering now takes 20-30min a week!
Originally Posted by astrid
Well this is different watering style. It's called semi-hydroponic, right? Or are you doing them totally bare root? Interesting!!
I don't think my oncidiums or paphs would enjoy that too much, though!! 
No, that's not what's known as semi-hydroponic. It's just a way of growing plants bare root. I've usually heard of it to grow Vandas, so interesting to hear about it for other orchids.