Hi, I went to my first orchid show today and it was awsome! I only have 4 NOID phalaenopsis orchids, so I decided to get 2 new orchids because they were so pretty! A paphilopedilum and dendrobium kingianum.
I new to orchids so please bear with me, I'm going to type down all the info I have on these 2 plants, and if there is anything I'm doing wrong or could do or improve on please help me out, Thanks!
I live in Ontario, Canada. I plan to have these plants in an eastern window with an air vent near by but it only blows a warm gentle breeze a couple of times a day (i can provide a humidifier if needed, but my phals are doing fine there). There's no direct sunshine in the afternoon, but a little in the morning, between 7-9am.
My paphilopedilum is a Paph.Hsinying Citron '#20' X Hsinying Spring Green 'Spring' (I type eveything that was on the name tag of the plant, does anyone know what the #20 mean?) and I'm going to repot it when it finish blooming. As I was doing some research on how to care for this plant, I learned that some paph need extra calcium, so I was wondering if my paph need any, does anyone know? There is alot of info on the internet but I didn't find anything on this paph needing calcium though, so I just want to post this to make sure. Also any helpful tips on caring for this plant would be of a great help!
The dendrobium kingianum is a Den.Gillieston Jazz 'Steven' X Den. (Louise Raindow X Zip) any tips on growing this?
Also could anyone explain the meaning to their names? its so long, I don't know if the whole thing is its name or is its parentage in there too?
Again, I'm very sorry for the length of this post, thank for taking the time to read it.