Hello everybody!
I have a little problem here...
I got a cymbidium and after seeing new growth I decided to repot it as I didn't know how well it was jkept etc...it had a huge root system and very hard to get rid of the old medium...however I think I got rid of most,washed the roots and repotted in bark media in a slightly bigger pot with drainage holes. Havent watered it for about 14 days,just misted the top of the media.
Now what of noticed is that the roots are spongy! Didn't noticed that before so to me that's alarming...these are the pictures just after I watered it.
Would highly appreciate any tips that you could give me! Thank you very much!
A few questions and an observation. Did you leave all the roots on the plant after you cleaned them or did you first cut the bottom 1/2 off the entire root ball? If you left all the roots on, many may have been damaged in separating and cleaning them and are now rotting.
As an observation you have potted the plant WAY too high in the pot. The pseudobulbs should be buried about 1/3 in to the mix to preclude the division from moving around and damaging the roots, both old and new.
Last edited by Cym Ladye; 01-31-2015 at 12:54 PM..
Well I actually let them be, they looked nice and healthy with growin g tips. Then I was scared to damage them so I didn't want to be harsh on it and basically that's the result...exposed roots.
Gosh I feel bad now! Didn't realise I was preparing my plant for disaster!
So what should I do now?
Well I actually let them be, they looked nice and healthy with growin g tips. Then I was scared to damage them so I didn't want to be harsh on it and basically that's the result...exposed roots.
Gosh I feel bad now! Didn't realise I was preparing my plant for disaster!
So what should I do now?
Send a PM to goldcoastcymgrowers@gmail.com and ask for their guide to Repotting and Dividing Cymbidiums. They will be happy to send it to you as they have many others on this OB. It will answer all your questions and walk your step by step through the procedure necessary for a successful repot.