Stupid, stupid, stupid. Orchid pots
Well George, I dun it again.
You know when you have been beating your brains out over a problem that you just can't solve, and someone says to you "Why don't you do such-and-such?" and you stand there thinking "Why the (words deleted to protect the gently brung up and ladies of nervous dispositions) didn't I think of that?
I went into the garden shop today, to buy some compost for my non orchid plants, and saw this delightful black bowl that would be perfect for the hard canes, oncidiums and the like. Only trouble was, it was too deep at 14 cm, and I really, really didn't want to go above 10 at the very most.
I was discussing this with the guy, and he went thru his catalogue, but nothing. Then he asked why, and I explained I wanted a shallow medium, and he suggested a layer of gravel, at the bottom, but I explained that the particles would wash into it and turn it into a death trap. Then he looked at me and said "Why don't you put a false bottom in it.?"
I didn't know whether to weep at the fact that I hadn't thought of that, or rejoice that at least someone had.
Also the bonus is that I can put a terracotta brick under the false bottom so that if the plants grow tall, their Centre of Gravity won't be a problem when the wind blows.
On the way out I saw this cymbidium, and while I had promised myself that I wouldn't buy anything before March when the frosts are passed, I figured that since a lot of the wood is out of the woodshed, their would be room for one more.
I know it's a crap picture, because it appears that a chunk is taken up by my thumb, but the plant can be seen, and I can't be bothered to undo all the plastic seeting to get a better pic.
I know it houldn't be repotted just now, but the pot was almost bursting, and so I carefully eased it out and popped it into a bigger pot and lined it with bark without disturbing the roots.