Orchid 911--Rootless Zygopetalum!
I have another post about this poor little guy in the Maxillaria Alliance forum, but I think I need a little more help.
Brief backstory: I got a little over-excited when I discovered semi-hydroponics earlier this year, and when my Zygo. Advance Australia arrived in the mail I just plonked it right in, thinking it would love it since it had been in pure sphag. I didn't check to see if it was actively growing roots. A few months pass, and I noticed it had stalled on its new growths. So I unpotted it and all the roots are grey and squishy! I cut them off, dosed it with K-L-N, put it in sphag with a bit of LECA to help air it out, and set it on my heating mat.
Within the last few days, it has lost several leaves, including the entire second-oldest growth. So I unpotted it today, still no new roots. It's currently soaking in a K-L-N solution and I'm soaking some fresh sphag. If anyone has any tips on what I can do to revive this poor little guy I would so appreciate it! I love this plant and I'm kicking myself for what I did to it. It was in great shape when I got it and it's deteriorated so fast. Please help me to save it!