I got Gok cattyela as Christmas gift from my mom. She wrapped it all up. Luckily, I took it out earlier on time because it doesn't have air, humidity, and light. Yikes, or it will be in for like a week. It came in as itself cattyela with roots. Very glad I got this out early.
Next day, I repotted it. I don't know if I did pot it right.
I am going to add three pictures so that would help. I noticed something black on it's new plant. Noticed some reddish spot on it's new baby leaf. It's too much sun. I water it once a week since it's winter.
I am very new on those cattleya. I would like to learn as much as I can. Yes, I do have brassovola cordata. It wasn't doing well due to calicum deficiency. Of Course, I have peter 15 15 15. I am waiting for Kelpmax which should be here this Tuesday. (I wanna grow healthy tomatoes which I failed last year(grumpy

and grrrrr), Hope I can do it this year.)
What's the proper watering and fertilizer? It's roots are different than Phals, Paph. I read article about watering first, as let it roots soft, then water it with fertilizer. Is that true? Something has to do with water absorbing.
Yep, I admit. I have to learn how to grow cattleya because my husband fell in love with one cattleya that it's flower smells like old spice.. I will get that for father's day. Pretty please keep it secret. LOL
Any advices, and hints! I'd love to learn....
Thank you very much for reading this and taking your time for reading this.. Have a good day!

Is that normal? Or Did I pot it lit deep? I only used roots in potting media. Why is this black around puesobulb? It's new baby leaf. It's very sturdy and healthy.