Originally Posted by Plantcrazed101
Oh boy,. I've already reppoted it...no roots were broken though...the pot it was in seemed really big with heavy mix and I was nervous about over/under watering it.
I do have a lamp by my desk that had a CFL and is on 14-16hrs a day... Temps are around 70 most of the time, should I move it there where it will be warmer until spring arrives?
I will definitely get easier hybrids after this one, but I'm hoping I can make it happy.
Glad (?) To know they don't make too many roots in general.
My Paph is also a dunkel! It looks so cool.
I do have lots of patience as I have an oncidium twinkle, psychopsis and phals to bide my time... Plus 100 African Violets a balcony, hoyas, etc
Does Paphiopedilum delenatii need a "winter rest" of sorts or will it not notice it's winter if there is enough light and warmth?
Don't worry, delenatii is not considered difficult and they are rather easy to grow and flower actually.
Repotting can be done any time of the year. Spring or anytime plants grow new roots are best because they adapt with much more ease, but when mix is bad or other situation arises, you have to repot any time of the year. So, you did the right thing to change it into a smaller pot. You want to have it the way you are comfortable with according to your own specific growing conditions and watering habit. That's the secret of success.
Regarding having one root, the plant probably was not in good conditions in the previous owner's care. They usually have a few big hairy brownish roots even as young plants.
To encourage root growth, try kelp or seaweed extract stuff. Many people use it and report they see good results.
Is it pushing a new leaf at the moment? If not, try not to water too often as you only have one root plant. You don't want to lose it also.
Paph delenatii does not take winter rest like others in the parvi section. Morning sun is fine and actually beneficial.
I hope you enjoy growing it!