I am new to this site and kind of new to orchids. I killed my first Phalaenopsis years ago. A friend gave me an orchid in 2009. I almost killed it but then learned the ways and the plant is doing great blooms well for me.
So since learning how to care for orchids I slowly bought more. These past few month I bought a lot. went from 3 to 8 orchids. Here they are.
1 is my first white Phal it bloomed a few months ago and I have a spike on the way.
2 these are all 3 of my small Phals all have spikes starting. So excited because the one upper left I almost killed. It's been a year since it bloomed. I have 2 spikes on it now.
3 This is my Fave Phal its amazing and blooms like CRAZY!.
4. My poor Brassia spider orchid I abused this thing left it in the car when shopping on a hot day. Now it have ugly sunburn. BUT new growth!!!!
5 I got this Phal from a friend I think it is really neat. The roots on this plant were out of control I repotted it and wow I can not get over how many roots were smashed into a cup size pot.
6. This is my Fav it looks awesome and smells even better my heaven scent sweet baby . I thought this was the last orchid I would buy . HAHA.
7. sweet baby Flowers.
8. I bought this Miltonia or so the tag said it is. I bought it for $3.50 because it was not in bloom. I have no idea what this one looks like. I have 2 new growths on it so time will tell. This was a rescue. Next time I went to the store all the ones that were dieing.
9. Zygonisia Murasakikomachi my newest and I had mix feeling about it at first. I was not sure I was going to keep it. I like it more now. I was attracted to it because of the Leaves and its funny small round bulbs. It was also very healthy looking. It's going to test of my orchid growing skills I think.
Last edited by snowflake311; 11-06-2014 at 12:27 AM..
Very nice! You already know I love your Zygo, but all the others are beautiful too. It will be interesting to see what the Miltonia is; did the tag say anything else?
You've paced yourself quite well with your purchases, don't feel bad you went from 5 to 8. How many of us are hanging our heads at our own LACK of pacing?