I need to go away more often
I am just back from a nearly 3-week holiday. I left my orchids in their "summer place" in the front conservatory in our house (same as a "sun room" in the US), although I was wary doing so because it is normally starting to get pretty grim weather wise in Scotland at this time of year. I had my father in law water just once a week just to keep things going, because I didn't want to risk rot if it was cold.
Turns out I should leave my plants alone more often. I cane home to a riot of roots and shoots. This is my little braggy piece so I can show off my "mad skills", which essentially consist of me leaving the country for two and a half weeks.
1. New dendrobium from Ikea. All flowers still intact 3 weeks later, and not dead. I'm calling this a victory.
2. baby dendrobium that I have been trying to get to take hold in SH for EVER. Grew 1 inch while I was away and has new leaves.
3. Ebay oncidium that I got in July, had weird black spot. Made a new pseudobulb and has a surprise flower spike, despite me only having moved it to SH (from bark) in July when I got it!
4. Tiny Twinkle made its second flower spike this summer while I was away
5. SHarry Baby - this is the only one that is sulking. I think it got too dry, so I switched it to one of Ray's pots that I got in the mail. (Thanks Ray)
6. Mini Phal from grocery store - moved to SH as an experiment...new leaf and root
7. Massive grocery store phal - two spikes I recently cut are reblooming, plus a THIRD spike formed while I was away. (I think there may also be a second branch on one of the spikes. Crazy.
8. Grocery store phal. Grew some new buds on its already-blooming spike, plus put out ANOTHER spike.
9. Rescue phal - spikes now have buds and look about to open. What colour will it be!? I think purple.
10. Harlequin Phal - putting out massive fat, juicy spike. Hope it will mean massive flowers....
11. Bottom row is the "in progress" section...all have new leaves and roots, including the black paph I just got off of Ebay.
My plants are trying to tell me something, and I think it is that they want me to leave them alone.