Since most Paph species have multiple color forms (standard, alba, albescent, etc.), hybrids can turn out with a broad color range, depending upon which forms were used in the breeding.
When breeding, the genetic make-up of parents is not always well documented. This can lead to somewhat surprising results.
In one example, Lehua Orchids bred two seemingly alba plants, but all the off-spring bloomed standard colored. Conclusion: Parents were albescent types and not true albas. Also, the alba traits in the albescent forms was recessive.
Another example, Sunset Valley Orchids selfed a colored Paph venustum, which was known to be 50% alba (recessive trait). I ordered 5 seedlings from this cross, and received:
2 plants with strong coloration at base of leaves
1 plant with weak coloration
2 plants with no coloration
These plants are budding now, so I will get to see them over this coming winter.