A person close to me asked how she could preserve a cut spike of bloomed phal flowers for her wedding?
Can anyone tell me how we could do this and make it hold for a few days? it will be hard to keep them in water but I have heard that there could be some other ways to preserve them. (they will be laced around candle holders)
If you are going to try to dry them I would recommend a silica gel product sold for that purpose rather than an improvised home crafted method. Should be available from hobby / craft stores, perhaps florists.
Don't believe the OP's intent is to dry the flowers for long term preservation. Based on his post, his friend simply desires to have cut flowers used as part of the wedding décor.
As cut flowers, as long as the phal stems are kept in water, they will last a week or more with no problem.
The simplest method, whilst avoiding having the stems actually in a vase of water would be the use of floral tubes. aquatubes, Floral Tubes
Their use would help make it possible to keep the spike hydrated even while being laced around the candle holders.
1) If it is possible to decorate or otherwise hide the tubes as part of the display(s), then the flowers should easily last through the wedding.
2) If the tubes can't be successfully hidden/decorated, then your friend could try keeping the stems in the tubes until just before the wedding or reception. Not sure how long the flowers would remain fresh-looking.
I'd advise -- if using the second method -- making a trial run well in advance of the wedding date.
In a vase, a stem of Phal should last 3-6 weeks if you trim the cut end and change water weekly.
The small tubes with rubber cap are intended for 1-3 days only.
Flowers used as decorations without being in water will look good somewhere between 6 and 48 hours, depending upon temperature and how bright the light is.
Best solution would probably be to do decorations day before, but store in cool and dark room. Bring to tables only just before the event starts.
Second best: Buy the foam blocks used by florists, and cut down to size that will fit onto candlesticks. This will provide some water for cut flowers, but will require more flowers & 'greenery' to mask the foam base.