I've had this catt for quite some time now. It's a division, one of three from a very large plant a few years ago. C. Irene Holquin "Pale Lady". I posted a pic of the flowers from the larger of the three divisions a couple weeks ago. This one was the runt of the litter and has just not responded to most anything I did for it. So this is the second to the last effort to save it. I cut off the old dead pbulb ghost and found the dreaded purple ring of fusarium wilt. I cut back to the next pbulb and found it clear so I dabbed powdered cinnamon on the cut and proceeded to repot it. I potted it in sphagnum moss with a layer of lava cinder at the bottom for stability along with a plant clip I made. I have a new root stimulant I am trying for a friend that works like gang busters for a biotect research firm who uses it to root a very hard to root plant. So here's hoping.
I see a plant spike and two good roots. This is how my salvaged plants looked when I got them. Cattleyas are use to coming back from near death. Just give them a sniff of water and they will start to grow roots.
As long as the older pbulbs have enough energy stored away. The new growth depends entirely on those old pbulbs for all the water and nutrients they need to grow until they have roots of their own. If the old pbulbs don't have enough the new growth will start but somewhere along the line there won't be enough to grow further and the new growth will stop and decline and die.
Just a comment on the root stimulant you are trying. The strength used in non-orchids is often way too strong for orchids and actually inhibits rooting as a result. I've always been advised to stay away from standard rooting compounds with orchids.
Hi Rosie, the root stimulant I am trying is diluted at 1ml per gallon. It's new and nowhere near ready for stores. I'm using it as a favor to a friend to see what it does on orchids. 5ml in 5 gallons of water is fairly dilute so I doubt it will harm my already compromised, disease ridden, rescued, but coming back strong, orchids.