Originally Posted by King_of_orchid_growing:)
How many hours of sunlight is the plant getting?
How often do you fertilize?
What kind of fertilizer are you using?
What is the fertilizer's NPK ratio?
At what concentration is the fertilizer you're using, dosed at?
I haven't fertilized ever since I received them (around 6 months ago). I've only really given them crushed eggshells as a source of calcium, which I'm not sure does much.
They get 7 hours of fluorescent daylight lighting (a bit on the shadier side) and sunrise to noon of real sunlight. It depends on the season, but I found during winter, the sun would be more direct and longer at this particular window. Now, it's been a bit dimmer but I let them out whenever it's nice enough and they get a lot (maybe too direct) sunlight.