James and Ray,
Thanks for the info. This is why I joined the Orchid Board. I am a beginner, able to read the various books that are available, and quick to believe everything I read (which can be confusing because of contradictions). Here I get the benefit of the expertise of many seasoned orchid growers.
I will post pics of my two set ups, both in east windows. I do NOT have a Greenhouse. My beloved has talked about setting one up when we can manage it financially, but that is more than a bit down the road.
All but one of my orchids get the benefit of EAST facing windows. My newest one gets sun from the WEST. We actually have virtually NO windows with a southern exposure (a 8inch by 3foot bathroom window is all). The majority of our windows actually face NORTH.
I will post pictures of my set up when I get home. I'm in Georgia now with the youngest grand kids and will return home on the 27th.
James, I've been experimenting with the relative pot weight method and am using the skewer method. I was quite shocked at how little water the orchids are using based on the skewer method, only one of my orchids really needed to be watered before I left, but everyone got a sip before I left since I was going to be gone for 17 days and my beloved was comfortable with
misting the orchids but NOT with actually figuring out if they needed WATER, so I am trusting that the little bit they get will be enough for the time being.
Thanks for the advice. It is much appreciated.

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