Yeah photography and orchids and gardening (well the planning and light work, my husband does all the digging and hard work for me!) I also do drawing quilting a painting. Dealing with pain on a daily basis can make you go a bit crazy at times, I definitely need escapes! Glad you have a great partner helping you too! I would be totally lost without mine! He helps out all the time, he can read me well enough to know I'm having a bad day when I trying to hide it from him to keep him from worrying.
---------- Post added at 09:32 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:17 PM ----------
Oh and the local place only had NoID phals and NoID yellow onc. All the other ones from the other day were sold out!! So nothing today! Darnit! I hope they restock soon. I got lights from them and they said they'll have the bulbs in a week or two, I'll just look again then.
I also checked the humidity and temps in the window where most of the chids are and it's 59* at night, as soon as I open the curtain it climbs to 62*, then when I turn the heat up it goes to 68-69*. The humidity in the space is also about 10-15% higher, this morning it read 47%! So yea! That's good news! I'll move the humidifier to between the window and the shelving unit which will be right next to it. So they should all be ok.