I have a (Neof.falcata X Rhy.gigantea 'Spot') that doesn't have a center leaf and hasn't for months. Is there any way to save it? The plant looks fine but I don't want to hold on to it to have it die months or years later. Thanks for any advice.
Say in the wild a bird came and ate the center leaf on this plant ( well it's parents). Would you think there is a way the plants genetic makeup would somehow have a way of continuing to grow this plant? I would bet on it. Keikis is one way. Give it good culture. That's all you need to do. Nature will take care of the rest.
On occasion this happens to monopodial orchids. Eventually it will start one or more new plants (keikis), usually from the base.
Monopodials release a hormone from the growth point at the top of the plant, which inhibits formation of keikis. When the plant gets tall enough, the hormone no longer reaches the base, and keikis start to form.
When the growth point dies in a shorter plant, you have to wait for the hormone to wear out.
If the center leaf was lost, then continuing with regular culture will likely result in an offshoot, as has been mentioned.
If, on the other hand, it simply failed to grow, I would take a closer look at the culture, and if that seems OK, it might be a genetic thing, with unpredictable outcome.