Colchicine effects on Phal. stuartiana hybrid
Does anyone have experience with colchicined (is that the correct term?) phals? I have a Phal. stuartiana 'Lizz' x Phal. stuartiana 'Larkin Valley' that I was told was colchicined when I bought it. I got it from a reputable grower who I'm sure would know what he was talking about. I didn't know if there were any specific things to watch out for or if I will need to play more of a wait and see what happens game. He warned me that the flowers could be mutated (I bought it while it was only in bud). The first flowers have opened now, but don't appear different/odd to me.
Can't post pics yet, but as soon as I get 5 posts down I will upload photos of the plant and the flowers.