I joined the forum a few weeks ago as a new owner of orchids, having recently acquired 7 (gifts from my husband). The first one he bought me I almost killed. I got it back in late September/early November and besides keeping it near an open window in late fall, I also overwatered it to the point where I was sure it was beyond saving. The entire root system was total mush (it had been sitting in standing water inside the container). The second one he bought me is doing great because I joined the forum shortly afterwards and didn't have time to do much damage with my ignorance. The last 5 were potted together in some kind of sopping wet sawdust/moss mixture and were in bad shape when I bought them (roots all mushy, wilted, red tinged leaves). They were on the bargain table at the local garden center and I just couldn't pass on the price. I had zero hope that any could be salvaged but with the knowledge, encouragement, advice, kindness, and patience I've received from this forum and it's members I have real hope for all but 2 and I'm not ready to write them off yet.
I can't stress enough how helpful the sticky "the phal abuse ends here" has been. What a vast wealth of knowledge and personal experiences all gathered in one thread! It took me a few weeks to get through the whole thing because I don't have a lot of time to be online and, well, it's a REALLY long thread lol Thank you to all the members who patiently answered all my redundant questions because I posted them before I got to the page that answered it on the thread.