Well its time for an update on my root situation and as you can probabley tell from the thread title I feel much better about the progress my little guy has been achieving. So with out further delay let’s begin
(Cue the pictures)

Here you can see my very first new root on the far left is clearly not a new root nor a stranger to what is supposed to be doing its already heading south.
From what I can see in other angles it’s about twice the length that you see here which is wonderful because....*sniff* *sob* I remember when it was only this big...awww they grow up so fast.... any ways

You can also see new root number two from the left looking healthy as can be and root number three directly behind it w/ root number four kinda coming out of the same opening as root number three (you can see a better angle of what I mean down below

Here is a better angle of the new roots two and three and of course four just had to get in the picture.

As you can probably figure out for yourself this is a diff angle and you can see new root number 2 above root 4 and then 3 and as you all noticed another new root just poking its head out.
And before you all ask the little 'cut' marks are from where I had the clay shard propping up the plant
well there is the update on my baby thought you all would like to see the only question that I have is the bottom leaf is definitely headed out the door as you (if you been following) will remember from my other posts and picks. So should I just trim it off so the plant stops giving away its good juju or just let it die off naturally. And if I am to trim it off how do you recommend I do so...
As always ThanX for the input and the support