I'm facing the North north west in my apartment, it's a miracle I have found some plants willing to grow in my apartment in the first place.
My apartment is more shaded in the summer due to the trees sitting between the two properties.
partially shaded in the summer.
There are two spots that gets decent sun, my bedroom window and I'm thinking my african violets are more suited for that area and the balcony door is where I noticed the sun lighting up the floor but not as brightly as the bedroom. The sunlight is redirected off the balcony glass next door.
I suppose I could buy a growing light for a lamp. Another question I have is how far away should the orchid should be from the growing lamp and what would be considered too close?
My sister told me earlier today her dancing lady orchid is showing purple in the buds. She's getting excited. I believe this is the one she rescued from being half dead.
I am thinking about going to walmart and rescuing a purple one. I love the purple ones. I always wanted an orchid. Just was too timid to try. I used to do a lot gardening when I was growing up. I used to plant Gladys in the fall and they would come up in the spring. How I miss those times
I did so well with a garden in my teens. I took horticulture all the way through high school. Not sure when my sister inquired the green thumb, she didn't used to be good with plants, now she has three plants all from the same plant. It's remarkable in how far she's come now.