my first vanda arrived today! Vanda Happy Smile x Mimi Palmer 'Teo Boon Hian'! maybe i'll post the baby pics later but i'm nervous cuz it's turning cold here and i will be researching winter care until my forehead hits the keyboard tonight...
My first was so NOID wit spike from our mall. Than I did not buy any for years and years because that noid did not bloom for me again! Now I have like 8 Vandatious plants and love them! My Vascostylis Pine Rivers Orange is in full bloom:-) Enjoy your first one!
I guess since Neofinetia has been now re-classified as Vanda, then that was my first Vanda
Not counting the Neo, my first "Vanda" Vanda is the coerulea I got in June But, six months before that, I got a Holcoglossum (categorized as Vanda formerly)
Vanda bill x Pink Paki (I think) I have 2 now. The other I have to check the tag. Mine is hanging in a basket very little moss. Roots are growing like nuts! You can use seaweed extract on them and they will love it I have found.
I had a bunch in Florida that I just hung outside on trees. I don't remember what they were and I gave them away when I moved to NYC. My first Vanda alliance plant I bought here was an Ascocenda Crownfox Yellow Sapphire.