Ok, so after some traveling I had time today to review my balcony and all my babies.
Since joining this Orchid Board, I met (virtually) so many nice people with the same interest and hobby, to whom I want to thank so very much for all the tips, help, advices and generosity, some coming with free plants!

, to update you on your 4 sent babies - Oeceoclades maculate is under the tree, looking exactly the same as when it arrived some month ago. Not sure if it is good or bad, but it just stays the same:-) Psychilis krugii seems it enjoys the balcony, that tiny new growth that was there is growing, and the plant looks healthy. Dendrobium crumenatum is is doing awesome, roots healthy, and there are actually 2 new growths! Dendrobium Faciferum seems to like balcony as well, it lost these yellowish leaves after it arrived and now it is looking fine and happy, roots look good as well! Attaching some pics for you.

, thank you so much for my first ever deflasked babies that arrived today. I have never had such a small tiny plants and I only hope I can keep them alive and thriving, only the time will show, they are at their new outside balcony home and lets hope for the best!