Originally Posted by Island Girl
They can recover a lot easier from underwatering, than they can if they were overwatered! So, that's the better of the two! Good Luck!
I thought about mentioning the boiling water... Then got a little distracted Thanks Gemini! Glad you said that!
Agreed. Having recently had experience with both, as I'm completely new to this hobby myself, I've lost one orchid that I suspect I overwatered, or was drowned prior to my adopting it. I've also had one that I forgot about because it was sitting in a corner behind a larger orchid. I don't think I watered it for nearly a month. It was bone dry when I finally got to it. That one's bounced back just fine.
Island Girl: This forum is the reason I haven't killed off my entire collection yet, so I'm happy to pay it forward where I can!