Hello all, newbie orchid addict here!
I bought a reduced phalaenopsis a couple of days ago. The reason it was reduced was because it had lost all of its blooms. The spike which is approx 24" in height and has three forks in it contains flower buds on the ends.
I was just going to allow them to open in their own time but have been reading that this can deplete the orchids energy as well as producing smaller blooms, as it has clearly done its work already this year. If it does re bloom it will probably look a bit spindly with a few flowers on the end from the previous flower drop.
The leaves are healthy, in fact there is a new one growing in the centre. The spike is also green and healthy looking so not sure if cutting it at this stage is a good idea. I am happy to cut it and allow it to have ample rest to grow a new spike and re bloom again in time.
I would post a photo but don't think I am able to yet as I am a new member, so I hope that my description is clear.
So should I sacrifice the new buds or wait and see? Does cutting a green healthy spike harm the orchid at all or am I meant to wait for it to go brown and dry up?
All advice is much appreciated