It's official! I'm an orchid hobbyist!
My daughter brought home this sad, yet beautiful chief sweet orange cattelya orchid the other day. Probably 75% of the roots were rotted, so emergency surgery was performed. With the rotted roots cut out, we left the plant to dry overnight. The next day, our search for clear slotted pots of sufficient size for this plant turned up nothing. So we decided to make a clear slotted pot for it by recycling a Starbucks Cup.
This involves getting out some scissors, an X-Acto knife and some patience. While cutting the bottom of the cup with the X-Acto knife, I misjudged the thickness of the plastic on the bottom of those cups. The knife slipped, my thumb slipped toward it and I received what the doctor called a "textbook laceration." Apparently, if you're going to get a laceration, you may as well do a good job at it, and I managed to accomplish that with ease, if not grace.
The good news is the orchid has been potted, and will hopefully be saved. The bad news is I have three stitches in my thumb and a pressure bandage wrapped around it. You have no idea how difficult is to put on your deodorant in the morning without the use of your left thumb.
I hope that other beginners will learn from my experience and instead of trying to create your own creatively recycled clear plastic slotted pot, just order them off of the Internet and save yourself the stitches.
Now that I have bled for this hobby, and my daughter, I think that I can officially say that I am an orchid hobbyist.