Hello everyone
I have one big, beautiful Phal, you can see her in picture
She is going crazy with leaves as you can see, and is looking healthy I think. She has many growing roots, although some aerial roots are looking brownish, but I guess that they are kinda older. I have this Phal for year and a half, I repotted when it stopped blooming, about a year ago. Today I noticed something that looks like a spike, and I really hope it is
But... On few roots, not many, 2-3 I noticed some white, moldy, furry thing
I must admit that I am so worried, because she is my first baby and I love her very much. Besides that few roots, that are green, growing and besides that white thing looking really healthy, everything looks completely ok. I don't water too often, only when I see that roots are thirsty. I have this white thingy for a while now, and I don't think it's spreading or has any effects on this Phal. I read somewhere that it can be some matter that Phal grows to help him attach to surface... I am sorry for long post, but please understand that I am very worried. And sorry for my bad English. So, any advice? Thanks for reading!