Thanks for the welcomes everyone
Yeah I certainly don't have much faith that this one will pull through.. I have it in a container with plastic wrap on top to keep the humidity in. I have it under my fish tank so that it doesn't get too much light right now. Who knows, it might pull through but I won't be too sad if it doesn't.
This is what it looked like when it was blooming. It is indeed a noid, but it had some meaning behind it which is why I came here.
That thread you linked to Island Girl gives me a little faith, but I think mine looks worse than any of those in that thread.
I still have two other noid phals, one is a mini that is sort of like this one.. I really need to repot them as they're in sphagnum moss still, but I want something easier than rootbark, charcoal, and gravel. I find with the pots I have that the charcoal quickly finds it's way otu of the pot, leaving the mix really airy and not as dense. They both actually started flowering in the spring.. The mini phal sent its spike up right into the 2x T5HO lamp above my fish tank which completely burnt it before I noticed. The 'giant' phal as I'll call it, only bloomed for a month.. Not too sure what happened there.
Time for a new orchid! LOL