I got this one about four years ago, and was my first orchid so I'd like to try save it if possible. Basically I kind of got bored of them and started neglecting it.. It started drying up pretty badly and would have died if I didn't intervene. I started watering it more regularly.. about once a week. It is (was) in root bark, charcoal, and rocks with an orchid pot that has lots and lots of drainage... I knw I wasn't over watering it, in fact I'm positive I was underwatering still as it still dropped a few leaves that dried up.
Fast forward to last night.. I went to run it under the tap without realising someone else was using it for hot water. Without thinking, or checking the water temp, I turned on the cold and out came some pretty hot water onto the orchid.

This didn't hit me until today. I completely forgot about this. We were hitting the wine lol
I completely forgot about that until today I noticed it was a bit loose in the pot, and very lightly tugged on one of the leaves and off it came. I tried another one (only two leaves at this point) and the whole thing came out, minus the roots at the bottom. Here's what it looks like now:
The pink stuff is rooting compound I dipped it into, in desperation. What do you think the chances of it making it are? I don't have any idea how much orchid needs to be left in order for it to root, lol.