Your roots look fine to me... All healthy from what I can see

Not all healthy roots are green, sometimes they are white, or yellow, or even brown... As long as they aren't mushy, or hollow... (*if they are firm*), they're ok.
Alot of times, bloom stems (a.k.a spikes, or inflorences) die back when the blooming is over. Spikes can ~sometimes~ (as the poster above me said

) produce growths from the nodes on the stem, either growing another inflorence, so they can bloom a little more, ~or they can produce kiekes (baby orchids, that will be identical to the parent plant). One more thing, sometimes the bottom leaves will yellow, & die back as well, this is normal, and they usually will start a new leaf pretty soon after (soon in orchid time, which is forever and then some, in real time, lol... so, have some patience... Lol, I have to tell myself that a lot!

This is a thread that will help you learn a lot about caring for your Phalaenopsis, it is kinda long, but trust me, it has valuable info there!