Excellent advice. Those pbulbs with dried sheaths on them have buds that will grow when this comes out of it's dormancy. I would even consider putting this in your pot with some sphagnum moss "loosely" wrapped around this rizome. The moss will keep it humidified while the old pbulbs support the new buds. The only thing here is the new buds. The old pbulbs are just storage vessels. Their leaves will slowly turn lighter and lighter and eventually fall off. The new buds will not get roots until minimum half matured. But this will pull through just fine. The first couple pics are a very old dessicated catt which was going to be tossed by a friend. I put it in a clay pot and stuffed spagnum moss around it. Just loosely and watered it when I watered everything else. This is the new pbulb. It is pretty much matured and is just now throwing roots. So you can see that just be patient and it will push new growth and will survive nicely untill new roots push out. The second set of pics is of another old pbulb with nothing on it but as always I know there is potential so I pot it up with the dormant buds at the surface of the media. I always strip the old dried sheaths off so that there is nowhere for bugs to hide and the dormant buds can see light. The third is a three, then two pbulb catt which had no leaves at all. I just wrapped the thing in moss and watered it when it was crispy dry. Now it has two nice pbulbs and another on the way. So don't fret. Yours will do just fine.
Last edited by james mickelso; 07-14-2013 at 01:17 AM..